May God Save The Philippines

Today, as soon as I logged in to my Facebook, the first thing I saw is this post from CNN Philippines (, which is a photo of the controversial fishermen allegedly had a maritime incident with China.

I’ll be honest here, I have no idea what’s happening to this country anymore because I stopped watching TV for more than 6 months now. I held my silence because just like what I said, I know nothing. This is a decision I made last year because seeing this news about our country and this administration finally got a toll on my mental health. I get carried away by the chaos this news brings to us and add up some crap shows in it and I got tired of it for good. I told my mom to cancel our cable subscription and life has been so much better.

Between those months that I didn’t have access to mainstream media, life has been easier and peaceful. Yes, I heard about the water crisis in Manila— but I don’t have an opinion about it since we personally did not experience it. I don’t want to say anything that I have no knowledge about especially when we’re living comfortably at our home, not worrying about losing water anytime so I chose not to speak up. There were a lot of national issues that happened in between, until this week, the news about the fishermen being left in an open sea by these Chinese people broke out.

Photo courtesy of Rappler

Like what I said, I have no solid knowledge about this. All my sources are from different news outlets on the web. But one thing is consistent about the stories told by the fishermen: THEY WERE LEFT BY THE CHINESE IN AN OPEN SEA AND WAS RESCUED BY VIETNAMESE PEOPLE.

Now, I don’t know who is right or wrong. No one will ever know the truth in this saga anymore. But one thing is definitely sure: OUR COUNTRY FAILED THEM.

Note my use of words… COUNTRY— not just ADMINISTRATION. When reading different articles online, I value the opinion of my fellow kababayans so I make sure to read the comments after thoroughly reading the article. I wanna know what they are thinking about what’s happening around them… us… this country. And much to my dismay, people are still irrational and siding with two different parties. There are administration and opposition.

I am not against this administration. I exercised my right to vote twice and I know, somehow, I am responsible for the elected officials that I campaigned for during the 2016 elections. I defended them when criticism was thrown to them because just like everyone else, I want to change. I want my country and fellow Filipinos to be in a better place. When our president made offensive jokes and controversial statements towards certain issues and people, I let it pass. I said: “oh, he’s already an old man, maybe his age is taking its toll in him”. When it happened countless times again, I know my heart that I am done believing in him and hoping that it gets better. I kept telling myself that perhaps, I’m just being sensitive so I must keep my mouth shut so people won’t say that I’m just another “woke” and “onion-skinned” millennial trying to be relevant.

But after seeing the photo of the fishermen doing the fist bump signature symbol of this administration while looking painfully forced to smile for the cameras, I AM DONE.

It doesn’t matter how people will perceive my opinion anymore but I AM DONE tolerating this administration with the insensitive jokes they make, the sexist comments they throw away during interviews or speeches, all those inconsistent statements they are giving out to the public and pretty much every single ANGRY RANT THAT THEY THROW OUT without even thinking.

I am tired of holding my tongue from saying what needs to be said. I am tired of hearing the same old “Bisaya kasi kaya ganyan magjoke” excuses they kept on making. I know a lot of Visayans who has clean and decent humor than this. But you know what I am most tired of?

I AM TIRED OF BEING CHINA’S LITTLE DOG. My boyfriend always laughs or make fun of me when I throw fit upon seeing rude Chinese people roaming around our streets as if they own us. It may be a small inside joke for us but somehow, part of it is true. No matter how many times we deny it or turn a blind eye to it… WE OWE SO MUCH TO THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT that we don’t even know how this administration or the future administration will pay for it. Of course, we Filipinos need to carry this burden once again. We all need to suck up their ass so they won’t do anything bad to us (I don’t know how to say this in a more diplomatic matter, I am sorry).

I don’t know what this administration compromised to China. I have no idea what they talked about behind our backs… but one thing is for sure— I AM SCARED. I am scared not just for myself or my family but for the next generation of this country. I am scared for the Filipinos who don’t live as comfortably as most of us. I am scared for those fishermen, those farmers, those workers abroad.

If we can’t defend them today, what more tomorrow or the next day?

I don’t need this government to do anything. Obviously, that is a hopeless case. But at least some sympathy towards these fishermen. Or some appreciation or “thank you” to the Vietnamese people who saved them would suffice.

To end this blog, I just want to clarify— despite my rants and opinions, I am not against this administration or the government. May it be this term or the next, I will never go against them. But I am not blind too. I will never ever hesitate to call them out again once I know that they are wrong. No administration is perfect. No one is perfect. We appreciate the good and call out the bad. I support this administration on the projects that will definitely help my fellow Filipinos. But let us not be blind towards the wrong things that are happening too.

Let us be governed by a government of the people, by the people, and FOR THE PEOPLE. 

May God Save The Philippines. 

KAT ðŸ‡µðŸ‡­


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