DAMNEDNation... 🍵🍵🍵 #SpillingSomeTea
Photo: https://humbleace.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/k-on-ep-23-1.jpg?w=636&h=357
For 1 straight week, I've been doing a self-quarantine since the Corona Virus pandemic broke out in the Philippines. I've always been a homebody so staying indoors is never a problem for me. In that one week, I worked hard and became more focused and productive on my work tasks. During breaks, I made sure to make use of my time by doing the laundry, cooking for myself, and organizing my planners. I journal sometimes during breaks too.
But when it comes to being confined on my four corners of the house, alone, with no one to talk to made me realize one thing: FILIPINOS ARE NOISY. I don't want to generalize or what, but mostly, we are noisy. For the first few days, I was keen to add to the noise because my anxiety is getting worst knowing that I'm far from my family but as days passed, I got tired from reading the same "noise" that I see online. I don't have TV or radio here in our house for 2 years now and it has helped me well to focus on the more important things. Having social media as my primary source of income, I have no choice but to check different social media networks from time to time and be updated on what's happening in the world through these platforms.
And boy, I must say, my anxiety is at its peak worst and my OCD went from mild to wild. I went out this weekend to pick up my camera (yes, I risked my life for this camera), and to buy supplies for myself. Your girl needs to cook and stay healthy, so whether I like it or not, I have to go out. And by the time I went out, there we no people outside anymore and life has been relatively peaceful. I made sure to make the most out of my time out so I did some side activities, hang out at a coffee shop to drink my favorite coffee and eat my favorite cookie. It wasn't that bad as what people seemed to say online. Well, to be honest, everything that I'm seeing online was just that... NOISE.
Those few hours that I went out, no one was coughing. Of course, my instinct kept telling me not to touch anything outside my home. I have my pocket alcohol with me throughout the day and I think I rubbed my hands with it many times than normal. I also made sure to wash my hands for 20 seconds when I go to the comfort room. It was overall peaceful and not stressful at all.
But everything I did during I'm out, I do that all the time. I rub my hands with alcohol before and after a meal. I make sure to rarely touch escalator handles or railing when I'm commuting or in the mall. I wash my hands every time I go to the comfort room. I do it every time I'm out so I don't get what everyone is panicking about. To be honest, it's all about hygiene and being calm despite the chaos.
All the anxieties that I have, all the noise that I am seeing online, it's just that. A noise. Instead of sharing IMPORTANT INFORMATION or listening to what the DOH or this government has to say, it all boils down to the fact that everyone has their opinions. Yes, there are a lot of things that this government is doing wrong but why add to the noise instead of just simply correct them with one simple post or comment? They might not even be listening but I'm sure that every single people in the country can understand what DO NOT GO OUT OF YOUR HOUSE means right?
I'm tired of reading all these blabbers online. Sometimes, important information is being swept to the side because of everyone's noise. I dunno but some are just seeking attention already.
What's funny though is how despite everything that's happening in this country, those more privileged ones are still booking their vacation all over the world. I mean, guys, we know you got some moolah. But do you have to flex your vacation or tell the world that you booked a flight this year to this and that country? It doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look dumb. Who on their right mind would book travel this year and act like the virus will go away anytime soon? Don't be fooled by those Piso fares.
Those who post photos of how certain malls don't have anyone inside keeps on popping at my newsfeed too. Do you go out just to take those photos? Who cares if it's empty or full. Showing these photos won't make a difference. People who want to go out will go out. Stay in your house instead of taking these photos.
I also see some post POLITICIZING EVERYTHING. These are the most toxic people, to be honest. They make an issue out of everything and they just keep on comparing. They use some issues to boost this government, some use this outbreak to say malicious things about the current administration. GIVE THIS COUNTRY A BREAK. It's tiring. (Hello to my Tito who keeps on posting annoying stuff online to the point of me unfollowing him already)
See? Those are the noise that no one needs. It adds panic to what is already a chaotic country. Why can't we just sit back, relax, lock our doors, stay inside? I know not everyone has the opportunity to do this but let's try not to stress them out too by the random things we post. For once, disconnect and reconnect with your family. Make use of your time wisely instead of wasting it by adding to the already noisy country.
Use your spare time wisely. Stop spreading fake news. Mind your own business. DO NOT FREAKING HOARD SUPPLIES. That alcohol won't save you from the virus but taking a bath regularly and always washing your hands with whatever soap you have will help.
Stay vigilant. Have proper hygiene. And, always, always STAY SAFE.
Love & Light,
PS: This will be my first, last, and only Corona Virus blog because I don't wanna add to the noise anymore. Let's all take a break.
Disclaimer: All my opinions are purely mine and doesn't intend to offend anyone.
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