The Things That I Took For Granted...
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This is a very random blog and its not part of my usual content for the month (I have a list of ideas to create a blog post about) and I am writing this as a spur of the moment article while listening to Coffeeshop music on Spotify.
I am bored to death this quarantine. Staying inside a small (well, not so small) apartment alone with my thoughts the whole day while entertaining myself by having a solo concert at the most random times makes my mind wander a lot.
My mind is a playful item inside my head. Sometimes I create make belive situations wherein the world is perfect and I have everything that I want and need. But most of the time, it could go to dark places. Today, however... I'm mostly thinking of the things that I took for granted when I was younger. So I guess, I'm just gonna share it with you guys through a list:
1. Hanging out under a mango tree in our farm
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This is one of the biggest things that I took for granted when I was young. We used to have a huge farm when my papa was still alive. I am always too lazy to go there because my mom doesn't like going to that farm because I think, in my perspective, she has always been a city girl. And I've always followed her around since I am a Mama's Girl. But now that I am stuck in the city for too long, although I am still not a farm girl, I really do miss that farm a lot. I miss talking to the animals we had (I have a horse, which I tell my friends many times now), eating freshly caught seafood from our small manmade lake, and hanging out under a mango tree. I dunno, I may not be a farm girl anymore but I really took those moments for granted because I can never go back in time and go to our farm again. Although of course, I give some benefit of the doubt to my young self.
2. Staying on the beach all the long
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Now, I may not be a farm girl but I am 10000% a beach girl. I always thought that I was a mermaid when I was young. I learned to dive in the open sea at such a young age (9-10 years old or younger maybe) and I am always at the beach. Whenever my papa tells me that we are going to the beach, I am ready no matter what time of the day. There was a time when they couldn't even get me out of swimming pools and the sea. I would stay from 9am to 6pm with just 12nn as lunch break because I am that obsessed with swimming. Now that I am stuck in the city and haven't got my dose vitamin sea this summer... or anytime soon, I am badly regretting those days that I didn't grab the chance to go to the beach because of being too busy with adult stuff.
3. My Siesta time
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My mom always asks me to sleep during the afternoons after lunch. I don't know when I stopped doing that but I cannot do it anymore because of work and I just can't freaking sleep in the afternoon anymore no matter how tired I am. I badly need ample sleep every day.
4. The travels we took when I was younger
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Ever since I was a kid, my parents already opened my eyes to the wonders of traveling. I was literally a cute little child the first time I rode an airplane and ever since then, we always travel as a family. From annual trips to Baguio to going to Los Angeles, I have always been a grumpy girl when traveling before. Although I don't crave to travel here and there (I want to travel not just to travel... but to explore) now, I think I've taken our travels for granted before. A lot of wasted time of me being grumpy most of the time. I was supposed to travel with my mom again this year but Ms. Corona happened and no, I won't risk anyone's safety by going out of the country this year (I've been out of the country every year for the past 3 years) so I guess, that has to wait again.
5. Being grateful with everything that I have
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There are a lot of things to be grateful for like my mom and brother staying safe at their home during this pandemic, my boyfriend every day making sure that I'm doing well alone and his family being safe too. Then, I should be grateful that despite being alone here in our apartment, a lot of people are still helping me to get my supplies. All those little things that we use to take for granted before, are the same things and moments that we should be thankful for today.
If only we can turn back time and change things, right? But today, we have no choice but to move forward. Let this pandemic help us realize things that will make us a better version of ourselves.
I hope that everyone is staying at home and healthy!
Till the next one.
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