Kat's Movie of the Month: WONDER WOMAN
"I used to want to save the world, this beautiful place. But the closer you get, the more you see the great darkness simmering within. I learnt this the hard way, a long, long time ago."
- Diana Prince, Wonder Woman 2017
I've been dying to watch the female DC character in her very own origin story since it was announced last year--- Wonder Woman!
Since I have watched Batman v Superman and I've read the reviews of Suicide Squad (so I didn't bother to watch that), it seems like the DC universe has been in a rough place last year. After all those bad reviews from critics, to have another movie seems like a big gamble in the box office game. I myself didn't expect too much for their future movies.
But lo and behold, there comes the woman who is willing to risk it all just to tell her story. That's Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman aka the amazing Gal Gadot. It is such a big gamble to produce an origin story... about a FEMALE SUPERHERO. In a male dominated genre, all eyes are on Wonder Woman once it was announced that DC will indeed tell her origin story.
And this is by far the best decision DC Extended Universe ever made. Wonder Woman is perfect in its own imperfections. From Gal Gadot's casting as Wonder Woman to Robin Wright as General Antiope, everything was perfect. Let's start with the Amazons living in Themyscira. Everyone went WOW once they saw the secret island where the Amazons lived. You can get a glimpse of Diana's childhood there and how she wanted so badly to become a full-time legit Amazon and how the great General Antiope played a big role in making her the Wonder Woman whom we all know now. Everything was great... Gal's innocence once she saw Steve Trevor was captivating.
And so the man came and everything changed.
The choreography during the action scenes was impeccable. It was so awesome that you couldn't blink an eye while watching the Amazons, especially Gal do their work. During the non-action moments, Diana Prince along with her small gang and Steve Trevor kept us entertained with simple yet perfectly timed comedic relief. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine's tandem is oozing with chemistry on-screen. But you know what, honestly speaking, this is the only superhero movie wherein you get irritated with the men in it. They are annoying... Always saying NO to Wonder Woman. But heyyy, girls, listen up, THIS MOVIE PROVES THAT SAYING NO COULD BRING YOU A GREATER OUTCOME. Gal Gadot's performance captivated everyone's heart. Her simple innocent lines make you love her... but beware: HER FIERCENESS WILL MAKE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH HER.
Overall, I think this movie became successful because finally, DC got the right superhero formula by connecting with the audience. They tugged our hearts with the theme of LOVE and reality. Guys, you can definitely learn a lesson in this movie. Humanity, all in all, is just about love. Maybe it is not that simple but if each and everyone who watched this movie can apply the valuable lesson they learned in real life, the world would be such a better place for us.
Plus, the climax scene of this movie is just awfully done well that it affects one's emotion by being sad. I can't help but feel pity towards Wonder Woman after losing her first love in such a heroic yet tragic act.
Another bonus: THE SOUNDTRACK OF THIS MOVIE DIDN'T FAIL TO IMPRESS. (People behind the production, you guys are doing great in the scoring. Keep up the consistency alryt?)
Okay, too much spoiler. Now head on to your favorite movie theater and watch the film while you still can! I swear, it will be worth the bucks.
Rating: 4.5/5
Rating: 4.5/5
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